A semi advanced ab workout. This looks a lot easier than it was. The last round definitely did not look as comfortable as the first round filmed 😅
Here’s the workout:
🔹Bicycle crunch to both sides
🔹Tuck up
🔹Modified v-ups
x5 (20 reps all up)
🔸30-60 secs rest after each round.
🔸Aim for 3-5 sets
Exercise Tips:
Bicycle Crunches: **Aim to get your shoulders right off the ground for the bicycle crunches if you can
Tuck up: Hand behind head, bring everything as close together as possible
Modified v-ups: Bring your knee towards your chest and touch your heels. Then extend it back out.
For a demo of the exercises, check out my instagram page HERE for the whole first round :)