A tough one from this morning, had me forgetting the order of the workout at stages 😅
Do 2 rounds of the below. Take 2-3 mins rest and repeat.
If you can’t do the movement in blue, try the movement in yellow.
2 rounds of:
🔹50 double unders 🔸100 skips
🔹20 lateral burpees 🔸20 lateral burpees stepping over object
🔹50 double unders 🔸100 skips
🔹20 kB snatches 🔸20 ground touches with a jump
Rest 2-3 and repeat
Exercise Tips
Skipping: Double unders are where the rope goes under your feet twice before each jump. This can be tough to do, if you do single unders, just do 2 to every 1 double under.
Lateral burpees: Have an object to jump over or step over. Chest hits the ground, get back up and make your ay ver the object.
Kb Snatches: Bring weight from just below your knees straight above your head.
Ground touches with a jump: If you do not have access to a weight, the body weight version of this is to touch the ground with one hand and jump up as high as you can. Alternate hands with each rep.